
Ironclad Charge is a Warframe Augment Mod that temporarily increases RhinoIcon272 Rhino's armor for each enemy hit by RhinoCharge130xWhite Rhino Charge.


Rank Armor Bonus per hit Duration Cost
0 12% 4s 6
1 25% 6s 7
2 37% 8s 8
3 50% 10s 9



  • Each enemy and ShadowsOfTheDead130xWhite Shadows of the Dead hit by Rhino Charge increases Rhino's total armor value.
  • Armor bonus is affected by Ability Strength.
  • Armor bonus duration is affected by Ability Duration.
  • When an armor buff is already applied, charging a second time and receiving another bonus will cancel the first bonus.


  • Due to the fact that IronSkin130xWhite Iron Skin scales with armor, this can be used to great effect by charging at several enemies, then applying Iron Skin to take advantage of the armor buff. This can result in a much stronger Iron Skin.
  • Charging with a large bonus is not suggested, due to the likelihood that the bonus will be replaced by a smaller one.
  • The mentioned "Armor Rating" is a separate multiplier that multiplies your armor value, after armor mods are calculated, example: A Steel Fiber (+100% armor) on Rhino Prime will net you 580 total armor, 2 hits of Rhino charge with Ironclad Charge augment, at base power strength (+100% armor rating) will turn this into 1160 total armor instead.


Patch History[]

Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)

  • Buffed effects from Rhino’s Ironclad Charge Mod.

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Introduced.