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The content was relevant to an obsolete version of Warframe, and has since been removed, retrieved, and/or revamped.
ā€œIt is done. The Fusion MOA Event is no more.ā€
This event has concluded on all platforms.
Weekend event

The Fusion Moa Event started May 3, 2013 at 00:00 and was slated to run the entire weekend. The event introduced the first operation into Warframe, which took a total of three days to put together according to the 5th Livestream by the team.

The event had two videos that acted as precursors and warnings on the event:


Lotus Intel 1


Lotus Intel 2


The ABC's of the corpus.

These events also led up to the Tenno deciphering most of the Corpus Language:

Tenno were tasked by Lotus to defeat a new design of MOA created by Corpus known as the Fusion MOA to unlock an artifact of great power. Upon completion of the event every Tenno that defeated at least one Fusion MOA received the Frost Prime Blueprint and Credits64 100,000. The top 100 players and clans were tracked and displayed on the forums and the top 3 players received special prize packs of new Mods that were also introduced along with the event. Over 2.3 million Fusion MOA were destroyed by Tenno during the 2 day span of the event. The event was extended to allow more players to participate and receive the Frost Prime Blueprint. Fusion MOA are now a permanent part of Corpus group.

Top players

  1. Kahruvel 2666
  2. Benston 1404
  3. Tram 1343
  4. DeLun_Gabriel 1205
  5. AceViper 1205
  6. Sc4rL3TBuLL3T 1102
  7. ConstantEgo 1079
  8. attenburo 1067
  9. Kiry 1060
  10. swooshbear 1049
  11. ULTRAn1ce 1047
  12. keltkelt 1038
  13. 2ply 1030
  14. MiiCx 1028
  15. __YaTaGan__ 1009
  16. Eisvogel 1005
  17. Sauerbraten2k 974
  18. dibil 967
  19. Jaysus41 950
  20. deadsilent38 933
  21. Excitonex 910
  22. ZeroTalleran 903
  23. Tivoniol 891
  24. Re6ellion 883
  25. DecapitatingJim 881
  26. Aggh 880
  27. lightwimer 828
  28. dutoitm 824
  29. UnDead_56_rus 816
  30. Joezapp 816
  31. THE_MML 812
  32. pokota 789
  33. MetalGerbil 785
  34. brokenOculus 783
  35. Ultragore 769
  36. Irny 767
  37. Asdecoeur 758
  38. Thenicestpsycho 755
  39. manjuu 755
  40. Fluffette 752
  41. Dovahkiin_imoyan 748
  42. kuromodo 743
  43. NinjaMH 741
  44. spiderghost 741
  45. h3d0n1St1k 740
  46. Chloroformz 734
  47. Eihort 733
  48. Syntere 732
  49. VeNoM0619 732
  50. freakystupi 710
  51. Likvet 708
  52. Venetary 705
  53. arotra 705
  54. Erugna 703
  55. Bakim0n0 700
  56. Champtastic90 700
  57. NiGHTS 693
  58. Shmidley 693
  59. Tainted_Fox 689
  60. TartarusOne 687
  61. Invictuss 687
  62. Gamecat007 687
  63. AMENOUZUME 686
  64. Genostrike 685
  65. Bukmor 680
  66. INEL 677
  67. Silverheels 674
  68. Splash 667
  69. ecryu 667
  70. NeoAtlantis 666
  71. XphereOmega 666
  72. drozido 666
  73. InnerBlaze 662
  74. Sangracine 662
  75. VladDecember 662
  76. Gezus 661
  77. A11tek 660
  78. MyXmaN 648
  79. Archivian 647
  80. Anarki79 643
  81. Stownz 639
  82. Imargam 639
  83. Twisted_Mentat 638
  84. fsarl 634
  85. Enot83 632
  86. SolPhoenix 632
  87. DarkTengu 632
  88. Gremadias 628
  89. TrueShadow1 628
  90. PridexD 624
  91. jojohot92 623
  92. DarkWatcher 623
  93. Vattalus 622
  94. Advance2000year 622
  95. angus77 621
  96. Tinpo_case 621
  97. ComeAgian 619
  98. GhostRider 618
  99. KyCTMAH 615
  100. danielxxcobraxx1 612

Top clans

  1. Warbros 37582
  2. Warframe Japan 22265
  3. Test Clan Please Ignore 15996
  4. JAPANINJA 11558
  5. Blackmist 10939
  6. TW 10811
  7. Gryphus Tech Corporation Warframe 9283
  8. The Celestial Shogunate 7962
  9. WiK 7401
  10. boobs 7365
  11. Fever 7004
  12. Space Shark Incorporated 6901
  13. GOON 6824
  14. Asuro 6819
  15. Risen 6043
  16. Beyond Midnight 5479
  17. AIEEE 4931
  18. BHE 4545
  19. Outlaw Star 4304
  20. TheWalkingDeath 4091
  21. Legion Orokin 4087
  22. Cutie Mark Crusaders 3732
  23. Facepunch 3658
  24. Forgotten World 3558
  25. Sentinel NOVA 3388
  26. Einsof 3354
  27. BlackFire 3283
  28. Marcab Confederacy 3198
  29. Eingreiftrupp 3165
  30. Crescent Moon 3164
  31. NoMoreHeroes 3017
  32. Rage Quit 2933
  33. Celestial Knights 2843
  34. Sword Of Chairman Mao 2783
  35. Disciplined 2598
  36. Black Steel Brotherhood 2544
  37. Broframes 2418
  38. Judicators 2337
  39. World GamingInitiative 2252
  40. Insomniacs 2197
  41. AVENGERS 13 2100
  42. Tenno Shogunate 2072
  43. Perpetua 2033
  44. Fart 1917
  45. DayOfTomorrow 1907
  46. Anyone For A Biscuit 1907
  47. WarframeBR 1873
  48. Quantum Entanglement 1846
  49. LOTUS 1836
  50. Camp Kill Yourself 1831
  51. Shades 1700
  52. mancers 1667
  53. PainFrame 1652
  54. wD Gaming 1627
  55. Artificial Intelligence 1606
  56. blaze 1605
  57. White Out 1600
  58. CLAN MUORO 1585
  59. TOOL ARMY 1583
  60. Gods Of War 1553
  61. The Circus 99 1539
  62. Confused Reinforcements 1533
  63. GRENZWERT 1521
  64. M16 1488
  65. Pwnography 1484
  66. eSper 1482
  67. Wraiths 1477
  68. TeamRazorback 1462
  69. French Corporation 1460
  70. 4n4lySiS 1446
  71. Spacebattler Tenno 1417
  72. SKILLCAPPED 1411
  73. The Quiet Resistance 1410
  74. iiclan 1409
  75. Stalkers Teno 1405
  76. Crimson Lancers 1395
  77. Legacy of Tenno 1392
  78. Tenno Task Force 1390
  79. Kill it with fire 1385
  80. MATRIXXX 1381
  81. StrawHatPirates 1380
  82. Darkness Rising 1364
  83. uniframe 1346
  84. DarkSektor 1342
  85. Spacebears 1332
  86. BlackFlag 1320
  87. You're Extra Special 1317
  88. Unigen 1303
  89. MONSTERS 1296
  90. HaveGrpWillTravel 1280
  91. SPECTRE 1270
  92. GPA 1256
  93. Undefeated 1256
  94. SpaceNinjaSexParty 1237
  95. Faction 1228
  96. Warfurs 1200
  97. Onwed 1195
  98. The White Rose 1184
  99. Tyrant Union 1181
  100. House of the 12 Ninja 1180


  • In the above banner, the letters pointed to by the ends of the star icon spells out "Frost", hinting at Frost PrimeIcon272 Frost Prime's release.[1]

