
Piercing Navigator is a Warframe Augment Mod for IvaraIcon272 Ivara's Navigator130xWhite Navigator that increases the projectile's critical chance by 10%, every successful hit, up to a max of 50%, and adds punch through.


Rank Critical chance Increase Max Crit Chance Punch through Cost
0 2.5% 50% 3m 6
1 5% 50% 3m 7
2 7.5% 50% 3m 8
3 10% 50% 3m 9



  • The crit chance bonus applies additively to the base before mods, unlike most other flat bonuses.
    • Example: A Boltor Boltor with Mod TT 20px Point Strike equipped and after 5 hits controlled by Navigator will have
      (10% + 10% * 5) * (1 + Mod TT 20px 1.5) = 150% critical chance.
  • Crit chance is not affected by Ability Strength.
  • Added punch through is affected by Ability Range.
  • In the case of the Zenistar Zenistar, the disk itself must touch the enemy in order to gain the bonus.


This calculator feature is sunsetted on the wiki. It may not see further updates, but will be present on articles for the time being since some people still find use for them. See User blog:Cephalon Scientia/Sunsetting of Maximization Calculators for more details.
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Patch History[]

Update 25.6 (2019-08-08)

Piercing Navigator - Navigator Augment - Ivara
  • Added 3m Punch Through to Projectile.

Update 20.2 (2017-04-12)

  • Introduced.