
Templates provide a means to insert the same content over and over in different (or the same) pages. This saves editors the hassle of duplicating the same text again and again, and also helps ensure consistency.

This page is to help users view the parameters of templates created specifically for WARFRAME Wiki. For general wiki templates, refer to WARFRAME_Wiki:Templates.



Name of the weapon
File:The image of the weapon. Usually WeaponName.png
Mastery Level Minimum mastery level required to equip
Weapon Slot Slot this weapon equips to
Weapon Type Type of the weapon
Trigger Type Trigger type
Flight Speed Projectile Speed for projectile weapons
Noise Level Numeric value for noise (do not fill in if you do not know what it is).
Fire Rate Base attack rate rounds/sec
Accuracy Accuracy
Zoom Zoom multiplier for the weapon
Bullet Spread Spread from the aim reticle
Recoil Recoil of the aim reticle per shot
Magazine Size Base Clip/Mag Size rounds/mag
Max Ammo Base Amount Size rounds
Reload Time Base Reload Speeds
Normal Attacks
Physical Damage Base net damage for the following three
Impact wImpact Base impact damage
Puncture wPuncture Base puncture damage
Slash wSlash Base slash damage
Elemental Type Base damage type (only use if elemental)
Elemental Dmg Base damage (only use if elemental)
Crit Chance Crit chance%
Crit Multiplier Crit Damagex
Status Chance Chance to proc elemental effects%
Punch Through Base Punch Through lengthm
Charge Attacks
Physical Damage Base net damage for the following three
Impact wImpact Base impact damage
Puncture wPuncture Base puncture damage
Slash wSlash Base slash damage
Elemental Type Base damage type (only use if elemental)
Elemental Dmg Base damage (only use if elemental)
Charge Time Base Charge Speed sec/charge
Crit Chance charge attack crit chance%
Crit Multiplier charge attack crit damagex
Status Chance Chance to proc elemental effects on charge attacks%
Punch Through Base Punch Through length on charge attacksm
Polarities The polarities that the weapon has
Notes for the weapon

This is an infobox template used to show specific information on ranged weapons. Any rows can be left blank, the blank rows will not appear on the infobox.

Please consult Template:WeaponInfoboxU11 for its proper usage.

Blank template for RANGED weapons only

| name                                = 
| image                               = 
| mastery level                       = 
| slot                                = 
| type                                = 

| trigger                             = 
| projectile speed                    = 
| noise level                         = 
| rate of fire                        = 
| accuracy                            = 
| zoom                                = 
| spread                              = 
| recoil                              = 
| clip                                = 
| max ammo                            = 
| reload                              = 

| physical damage                     = 
| impact damage                       = 
| puncture damage                     = 
| slash damage                        = 
| elemental damage type               = 
| elemental damage                    = 
| crit chance                         = 
| crit damage                         = 
| punch through                       = 
| stat proc                           = 

| charge physical damage              = 
| charge impact damage                = 
| charge puncture damage              = 
| charge slash damage                 = 
| charge elemental damage type        = 
| charge elemental damage             = 
| charge speed                        = 
| charge crit chance                  = 
| charge crit damage                  = 
| charge punch through                = 
| charge stat proc                    = 

| conclave                            = 
| polarities                          = 
| notes                               = 


Name of the weapon
File:The image of the weapon. Usually WeaponName.png
Mastery Level Minimum mastery level required to equip
Weapon Slot Slot this weapon equips to
Weapon Type Type of the weapon
Flight Speed Projectile Speed for projectile weapons
Attack Speed normal attack rate
Normal Attacks
Physical Damage Base net damage for the following three
Impact wImpact Base impact damage
Puncture wPuncture Base puncture damage
Slash wSlash Base slash damage
Elemental Type Base damage type (only use if elemental)
Elemental Dmg Base damage (only use if elemental)
Crit Chance normal attack Crit chance%
Crit Multiplier normal attack Crit Damagex
Status Chance Chance to proc elemental effects%
Charge Attacks
Physical Damage Base net damage for the following three
Impact wImpact Base impact damage
Puncture wPuncture Base puncture damage
Slash wSlash Base slash damage
Elemental Type Base damage type (only use if elemental)
Elemental Dmg Base damage (only use if elemental)
Charge Time Base Charge Speed sec/charge
Cleave Time Base swing speed for charge attacks sec/charge
Crit Chance charge attack crit chance%
Crit Multiplier charge attack crit damagex
Status Chance charge attack stat proc IF different%
Slam Attacks
Physical Damage Base net damage for the following three
Impact wImpact Base impact damage
Puncture wPuncture Base puncture damage
Slash wSlash Base slash damage
Elemental Type Base damage type (only use if elemental)
Elemental Dmg Base damage (only use if elemental)
Radius Slam Radius meters
Slide Attacks
Physical Damage Base net damage for the following three
Impact wImpact Base impact damage
Puncture wPuncture Base puncture damage
Slash wSlash Base slash damage
Elemental Type Base damage type (only use if elemental)
Elemental Dmg Base damage (only use if elemental)
Finisher Damage Damage dealt when attacking a knocked-down target.
Polarities The polarities that the weapon has
Notes for the weapon

This is an infobox template used to show specific information on melee weapons. Any rows can be left blank, the blank rows will not appear on the infobox.

Please consult Template:WeaponInfoboxU11 for its proper usage.

Blank template for MELEE weapons only

| name                                = 
| image                               = 
| mastery level                       = 
| slot                                = 
| type                                = 
| projectile speed                    = 

| physical damage                     = 
| impact damage                       = 
| puncture damage                     = 
| slash damage                        = 
| elemental damage type               = 
| elemental damage                    = 
| crit chance                         = 
| crit damage                         = 
| attack rate                         = 
| stat proc                           = 

| charge physical damage              = 
| charge impact damage                = 
| charge puncture damage              = 
| charge slash damage                 = 
| charge elemental damage type        = 
| charge elemental damage             = 
| charge speed                        = 
| charge cleave                       = 
| charge crit chance                  = 
| charge crit damage                  = 
| charge stat proc                    = 

| jump physical damage                = 
| jump impact damage                  = 
| jump puncture damage                = 
| jump slash damage                   = 
| jump elemental damage type          = 
| jump elemental damage               = 
| jump crit chance                    = 
| jump crit damage                    = 

| slam physical damage                = 
| slam impact damage                  = 
| slam puncture damage                = 
| slam slash damage                   = 
| slam elemental damage type          = 
| slam elemental damage               = 
| slam radius                         = 

| slide physical damage               = 
| slide impact damage                 = 
| slide puncture damage               = 
| slide slash damage                  = 
| slide elemental damage type         = 
| slide elemental damage              = 
| slide crit chance                   = 
| slide crit damage                   = 

| finisher damage                     = 
| max targets                         = 
| cleave radius                       = 
| conclave                            = 
| polarities                          = 
| notes                               = 


WeaponNav is a navigation box specifically for weapons and is used alongside Weapon template to create a weapon page. It is the last entry on all weapon pages.





This is an infobox template used to show specific information on planets. Until Digital Extremes add new planetary systems in Warframe (lets hope they do), this template would not be used to create new pages.

Blank Template

| name            = 
| image           = 
| system          = 
| ruler           = 
| levelrange      = 
| numberofmission = 
| resources       = 
| connections     = 

Mission Table

Each planet has its own set of missions, often vary in number. Creation of mission table is slightly more complex. 4 templates are used to create a mission table, in which 2 of them are specific for mission entries (HeadingMission and RowMission).

Template:HeadingMission Template:RowMission Template:RowMission Example Code

| image = Panel.png
| missionfaction = imagelink
| missionname = missionname
| missiontype = missiontype
| missionlvl  = missionlvl
| missiontile = missiontile
| image = Panel.png
| missionfaction = imagelink
| missionname = missionname
| missiontype = missiontype
| missionlvl  = missionlvl
| missiontile = missiontile
<!-- More RowMission entries here. -->


HeadingMission is used to create a table header for mission entries. It should be located at the top of mission tables. Template:HeadingMission




RowMission is the mission entry template. This template is used to create only one entry. Subsequent entry requires more RowMission template. Template:RowMission

Blank Template

| image = 
| missionname = 
| missionname = 
| missiontype = 
| missionlvl  = 
| missiontile =

The current list of acceptable images are:

  • GrineerMissionIcon.png
  • GrineerTargetIcon.png
  • CorpusMissionIcon.png
  • CorpusTargetIcon.png
  • InfestationMissionIcon.png
  • InfestationTargetIcon.png


WeaponNav is a navigation box specifically for planets and is used alongside Planet template to create a planet page. It is the last entry on all planet pages.





Lua error in Module:Warframes/infobox at line 29: p.buildInfobox(frame): Missing "WarframeTemplate" entry in Module:Warframes/data. This is an infobox template used to show specific information on warframe exoskeleton. Until Digital Extremes add new Warframes in the game, this template would not be used to create new pages.

Blank Template

| name        = 
| image       = 
| ability1    = 
| ability1pic = 
| ability2    = 
| ability2pic = 
| ability3    = 
| ability3pic = 
| ability4    = 
| ability4pic = 


The Ability template is used to display more details about a warframe's ability such as energy usage. The notes parameter can be completely omitted.



| name        = AbilityName
| hotkey      = Key
| energy      = X
| contents    = Ability Description
| notes       = <br/> <!-- Important: The first line has to be this or bullet list won't work. -->
*Notes here if any.


WarframeNav is a navigation box specifically for Warframes and is used alongside Warframe template to create a Warframe page. It is the last entry on all Warframe pages.


