
Survival is a mission type that replaced Raid missions in Update 10.0 (2013-09-13). Players will have to fight an endless, steady stream of enemies to survive for as long as possible while slowly losing life support. Each kill will have a chance to drop personal life support modules that restores 4% of the life support system.

Occasionally the Lotus will drop off life support capsules that restore 30% on activation, starting fairly frequently but the time between drops will get progressively longer. The amount of life support capsules that can be on the map is capped at 8. Another capsule will not be given until one has been opened and the drop delay passed.

After 5 minutes, a random reward is given to the squad and the extraction point will be enabled and marked on the minimap. The squad can then choose between heading to extraction to complete the mission, or staying on for a longer period of time to receive rewards every 5 minutes.

Survival missions are unlike Interception and Defense missions, where players may choose to extract themselves from the level at completed intervals before moving on. During Survival missions players may only extract successfully if the majority of the group chooses to head to extraction. If a single player wishes to leave before the group then they must pause and select "Abort" from the list of options. They will then lose all of the items obtained from that mission and return to their ship. There is currently no option for a singular player to extract and keep their rewards from that Survival mission.

When the life support system reaches 0%, all squad members' shields will start draining followed by their health, in a manner similar to a hull breach but at a much faster rate. The health drain will stop at 5 HP for 5 minutes – making any damage lethal – and teammates who are killed can be revived normally. No more life support capsules will be dropped, rewards will no longer be given, enemies will stop dropping the life support modules, and all remaining life support modules on the map will become unusable. After this point the mission can still be completed if at least one player reaches Extraction. However, if all players die, the squad will fail. After 5 minutes, the health drain will continue past 5 HP and will kill everyone.

Survival placeholder

Survival diorama from Update 9

Update 10.3 (2013-10-09) changed the extraction mechanics; previously, a single squad member could rush to extraction and after 1 minute, the mission would end. Now, if there is still life support remaining, at least half of the squad members must be at extraction for the mission to end – 2 if 4 team members, 2 if 3, or 1 if only you and another team member are in the game.

When Survival missions become Nightmare Modes, players will receive both the Nightmare reward and the normal Survival mode reward when completing the mission. Note that even though Nightmare mode enemies are usually higher level, the Survival mode rewards will be based on the mission's original enemy levels. On the other hand, if there is an Alert Survival mission, players will only receive the specified Alert reward (extraction available at 10 minutes).

Survival Missions



This is a list of possible enemies and their respective "wave" they will start to appear. Note that this is based on the lowest level of each faction, at higher level survival missions enemies may come out sooner but usually in the same order.

Grineer Survival

Corpus Survival

Void/Corrupted Survival

Eximus Spawn

As players advance through the survival, the amount of Eximus spawns will steadily increases from 0% in 5 minutes, to 20% in 60 minutes.


Besides the bonus amounts of materials, experience, and mods from the increase in enemies compared to normal missions, certain rewards can be awarded at the end of the mission if the mission is a success. Mission rewards will vary depending on the level of the mission's enemies (the starting level; this tier does not scale during a mission as higher level enemies spawn) and also depends on the amount of time spent.

  • Enemy level tier (in average):
    • Tier 1: Level 1 - 10
    • Tier 2: Level 10 - 20
    • Tier 3: Level ≥ 20
    • Note: While most missions obey these enemy level tiers, there are a few exceptions, such as Hymeno and Cambria. Refer to the table above for a more accurate list of mission enemy level tiers.
  • Time spent Drop Rotation (rewards cycle every 20 minutes):
    • Rotation A: 5, 10 minutes; 25, 30 minutes; etc.
    • Rotation B: 15 minutes; 35 minutes; etc.
    • Rotation C: 20 minutes; 40 minutes; etc.
  • Rewards stack the longer you play.
View Rewards List

Credits x2000 Credit Cache 50% Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith A6 11.06%
Endo Endo x100 50% Mod TT 20px Incendiary Coat 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith C11 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Intensify 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith G10 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Parry 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith G9 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Serration 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith P8 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Steel Fiber 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith R5 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith A6 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith T10 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith C11 7.69% Mod TT 20px Arrow Mutation 3.76%
LithRelicIntact Lith G10 7.69% Mod TT 20px Cleanse Grineer 3.76%
LithRelicIntact Lith G9 7.69% Mod TT 20px Pistol Ammo Mutation 3.76%
LithRelicIntact Lith P8 7.69% Mod TT 20px Rifle Ammo Mutation 3.76%
LithRelicIntact Lith R5 7.69% Mod TT 20px Shotgun Ammo Mutation 3.76%
LithRelicIntact Lith T10 7.69% Mod TT 20px Sniper Ammo Mutation 3.76%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x2500 Credit Cache 50% Mod TT 20px Charged Shell 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 11.06%
Endo Endo x100 50% Mod TT 20px Fast Deflection 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Provoked 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Serration 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Steel Fiber 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Vital Sense 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 11.06%
MesoRelicIntact Meso A5 7.14% Mod TT 20px Arrow Mutation 3.76%
MesoRelicIntact Meso B9 7.14% Mod TT 20px Cleanse Corpus 3.76%
MesoRelicIntact Meso G6 7.14% Mod TT 20px Pistol Ammo Mutation 3.76%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H5 7.14% Mod TT 20px Rifle Ammo Mutation 3.76%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H6 7.14% Mod TT 20px Shotgun Ammo Mutation 3.76%
MesoRelicIntact Meso M4 7.14% Mod TT 20px Sniper Ammo Mutation 3.76%
MesoRelicIntact Meso W3 7.14%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x3000 Credit Cache 75% Mod TT 20px Flow 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 11.06%
Endo Endo x400 25% Mod TT 20px Hell's Chamber 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Serration 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Split Chamber 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Stabilizer 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Steel Fiber 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Stretch 6.67% Mod TT 20px Arrow Mutation 3.76%
NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 6.67% Mod TT 20px Cleanse Infested 3.76%
NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 6.67% Mod TT 20px Pistol Ammo Mutation 3.76%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 6.67% Mod TT 20px Rifle Ammo Mutation 3.76%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 6.67% Mod TT 20px Shotgun Ammo Mutation 3.76%
NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 6.67% Mod TT 20px Sniper Ammo Mutation 3.76%
NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 6.67%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 6.67%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% Mod TT 20px Flow 6.67% Helmet Harrow Neuroptics Blueprint 12%
Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% Mod TT 20px Hell's Chamber 6.67% Systems Harrow Systems Blueprint 12%
Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 8%
Endo Endo x400 25% Mod TT 20px Serration 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 8%
Mod TT 20px Split Chamber 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 8%
Mod TT 20px Stabilizer 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 8%
Mod TT 20px Steel Fiber 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 8%
Mod TT 20px Stretch 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 8%
NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 8%
NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 6.67% Mod TT 20px Arrow Mutation 4%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 6.67% Mod TT 20px Pistol Ammo Mutation 4%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 6.67% Mod TT 20px Rifle Ammo Mutation 4%
NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 6.67% Mod TT 20px Shotgun Ammo Mutation 4%
NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 6.67% Mod TT 20px Sniper Ammo Mutation 4%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 6.67%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

LithRelicIntact Lith A6 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso A5 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso H6 7.79%
LithRelicIntact Lith C11 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso B9 11.06% Aya Aya 7.79%
LithRelicIntact Lith G10 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso G6 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso A5 6.49%
LithRelicIntact Lith G9 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso H5 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso B9 6.49%
LithRelicIntact Lith P8 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso H6 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso G6 6.49%
LithRelicIntact Lith R5 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso M4 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso H5 6.49%
LithRelicIntact Lith T10 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso W3 11.06% MesoRelicIntact Meso M4 6.49%
Aya Aya 6.15% Aya Aya 6.15% MesoRelicIntact Meso W3 6.49%
MesoRelicIntact Meso M4 4.1% NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 4.1% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 6.49%
MesoRelicIntact Meso A5 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 6.49%
MesoRelicIntact Meso B9 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 6.49%
MesoRelicIntact Meso G6 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 6.49%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H5 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 6.49%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H6 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 6.49%
MesoRelicIntact Meso W3 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 2.05% NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 6.49%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 18.18% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 12.5% Aya Aya 22.11%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 18.18% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 11.13%
NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 18.18% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 11.13%
NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 9.09% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 11.13%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 9.09% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 11.13%
NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 9.09% NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 11.13%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 9.09% NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 11.13%
Aya Aya 9.09% Aya Aya 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 11.13%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x400 22.22% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 12.5% Helmet Octavia Neuroptics Blueprint 22.56%
LithRelicIntact Lith A6 11.11% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith C11 11.11% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith G10 11.11% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith G9 11.11% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith P8 11.11% NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith R5 11.11% NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith T10 11.11% MutalistAladVNavCoordinate Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinate 12.5% AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 11.06%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x5000 Credit Cache 40% Credits x7500 Credit Cache 25% Endo Endo x1200 20%
Endo Endo x600 20% Stock Mandonel Stock 17.5% Barrel Mandonel Barrel 15%
EntratiObols Entrati Obols x150 10% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 7.5% Receiver Mandonel Receiver 15%
Necracoil Necracoil x15 6.67% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 7.5% Blueprint2 Eidolon Madurai Lens Blueprint 10%
MesoRelicIntact Meso A5 3.33% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 7.5% Blueprint2 Eidolon Naramon Lens Blueprint 10%
MesoRelicIntact Meso B9 3.33% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 7.5% Blueprint2 Eidolon Unairu Lens Blueprint 10%
MesoRelicIntact Meso G6 3.33% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 7.5% Blueprint2 Eidolon Vazarin Lens Blueprint 10%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H5 3.33% NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 7.5% Blueprint2 Eidolon Zenurik Lens Blueprint 10%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H6 3.33% NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 7.5%
MesoRelicIntact Meso M4 3.33% EntratiLanthorn Entrati Lanthorn 5%
MesoRelicIntact Meso W3 3.33%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x2000 Credit Cache 14.29% Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike 7.69% Mod TT 20px Quickening 11.28%
Credits x2000 Credit Cache 14.29% Mod TT 20px Incendiary Coat 7.69% Mod TT 20px True Punishment 11.28%
Credits x2000 Credit Cache 14.29% Mod TT 20px Intensify 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith A6 11.06%
Credits x2000 Credit Cache 14.29% Mod TT 20px Parry 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith C11 11.06%
Endo Endo x100 14.29% Mod TT 20px Serration 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith G10 11.06%
Endo Endo x100 14.29% Mod TT 20px Steel Fiber 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith G9 11.06%
Endo Endo x100 14.29% LithRelicIntact Lith A6 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith P8 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith C11 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith R5 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith G10 7.69% LithRelicIntact Lith T10 11.06%
LithRelicIntact Lith G9 7.69%
LithRelicIntact Lith P8 7.69%
LithRelicIntact Lith R5 7.69%
LithRelicIntact Lith T10 7.69%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x2500 Credit Cache 16.67% Mod TT 20px Charged Shell 7.14% Mod TT 20px Enduring Strike 11.28%
Credits x2500 Credit Cache 16.67% Mod TT 20px Fast Deflection 7.14% Mod TT 20px Quickening 11.28%
Credits x2500 Credit Cache 16.67% Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 11.06%
Endo Endo x100 16.67% Mod TT 20px Provoked 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 11.06%
Endo Endo x100 16.67% Mod TT 20px Serration 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 11.06%
Endo Endo x100 16.67% Mod TT 20px Steel Fiber 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Vital Sense 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 11.06%
MesoRelicIntact Meso A5 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 11.06%
MesoRelicIntact Meso B9 7.14% NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 11.06%
MesoRelicIntact Meso G6 7.14%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H5 7.14%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H6 7.14%
MesoRelicIntact Meso M4 7.14%
MesoRelicIntact Meso W3 7.14%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% Mod TT 20px Flow 6.67% Mod TT 20px Enduring Strike 11.28%
Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% Mod TT 20px Hell's Chamber 6.67% Mod TT 20px Life Strike 11.28%
Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 11.06%
Endo Endo x400 25% Mod TT 20px Serration 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Split Chamber 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Stabilizer 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Steel Fiber 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 11.06%
Mod TT 20px Stretch 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 11.06%
NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 6.67% AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 11.06%
NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 6.67%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 6.67%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 6.67%
NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 6.67%
NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 6.67%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 6.67%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 14.29% Mod TT 20px Life Strike 12.5%
Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 14.29% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 12.5%
Credits x3000 Credit Cache 25% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 14.29% AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 12.5%
Endo Endo x400 25% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 14.29% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 12.5%
NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 14.29% AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 12.5%
NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 14.29% AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 12.5%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 14.29% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 12.5%
AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 12.5%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x100 26.67% Endo Endo x100 35.29% Endo Endo x150 37.5%
Blueprint2 Lavan Engines Mk I 20% Blueprint2 Lavan Plating Mk I 17.65% Blueprint2 Ambassador Blueprint 12.5%
Blueprint2 Lavan Reactor Mk I 20% Blueprint2 Lavan Shield Array Mk I 17.65% Blueprint2 Vidar Plating Mk I 12.5%
Systems Ash Systems Blueprint 13.33% Blueprint2 Vidar Engines Mk I 17.65% Blueprint2 Vidar Reactor Mk I 12.5%
LithRelicIntact Lith G10 6.67% LithRelicIntact Lith R5 5.88% Blueprint2 Vidar Shield Array Mk I 12.5%
LithRelicIntact Lith G9 6.67% LithRelicIntact Lith T10 5.88% LithRelicIntact Lith A6 6.25%
LithRelicIntact Lith P8 6.67% LithRelicIntact Lith C11 6.25%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x200 26.67% Endo Endo x200 34.29% Endo Endo x450 39.58%
Blueprint2 Lavan Engines Mk II 20% Blueprint2 Lavan Plating Mk II 17.14% Blueprint2 Vidar Plating Mk II 12.5%
Blueprint2 Lavan Reactor Mk II 20% Blueprint2 Lavan Shield Array Mk II 17.14% Blueprint2 Vidar Reactor Mk II 12.5%
Helmet Ash Neuroptics Blueprint 13.33% Blueprint2 Vidar Engines Mk II 17.14% Blueprint2 Vidar Shield Array Mk II 12.5%
MesoRelicIntact Meso A5 6.67% MesoRelicIntact Meso G6 5.71% Blueprint2 Ambassador Blueprint 8.33%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H6 6.67% MesoRelicIntact Meso H5 5.71% MesoRelicIntact Meso B9 6.25%
MesoRelicIntact Meso M4 6.67% RivenSliver Riven Sliver 2.86% MesoRelicIntact Meso W3 6.25%
RivenSliver Riven Sliver x2 2.08%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x300 26.67% Endo Endo x300 30.3% Endo Endo x450 39.58%
Blueprint2 Lavan Engines Mk III 20% Blueprint2 Lavan Plating Mk III 18.18% Blueprint2 Vidar Plating Mk III 12.5%
Blueprint2 Lavan Reactor Mk III 20% Blueprint2 Lavan Shield Array Mk III 18.18% Blueprint2 Vidar Reactor Mk III 12.5%
Chassis Ash Chassis Blueprint 13.33% Blueprint2 Vidar Engines Mk III 18.18% Blueprint2 Vidar Shield Array Mk III 12.5%
NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 6.67% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 6.06% Blueprint2 Ambassador Blueprint 8.33%
NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 6.67% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 6.06% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 6.25%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 6.67% RivenSliver Riven Sliver 3.03% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 6.25%
RivenSliver Riven Sliver x2 2.08%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x400 42.86% Endo Endo x400 34.29% Endo Endo x600 31.25%
Blueprint2 Vidar Engines Mk III 21.43% Blueprint2 Vidar Plating Mk III 17.14% Blueprint2 Ambassador Blueprint 16.67%
Blueprint2 Vidar Reactor Mk III 21.43% Blueprint2 Vidar Shield Array Mk III 17.14% Blueprint2 Zetki Plating Mk III 12.5%
AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 5.71% Blueprint2 Zetki Engines Mk III 17.14% Blueprint2 Zetki Reactor Mk III 12.5%
AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 4.29% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 5.71% Blueprint2 Zetki Shield Array Mk III 12.5%
AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 4.29% AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 5.71% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 6.25%
RivenSliver Riven Sliver x3 2.86% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 6.25%
RivenSliver Riven Sliver x3 2.08%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Credits x3000 Credit Cache 38.72% NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 10% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 11.34%
SomaticFibers Somatic Fibers 38.72% NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 10% AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 11.34%
Blueprint2 Perigale Blueprint 7.52% NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 10% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 11.34%
Blueprint2 Sarofang Blueprint 7.52% NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 10% AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 11.34%
Endo Endo x400 7.52% NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 10% AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 11.34%
NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 10% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 11.34%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 10% AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 11.34%
Barrel Perigale Barrel 6% Blueprint2 Voruna Blueprint 6.82%
Receiver Perigale Receiver 6% Chassis Voruna Chassis Blueprint 4.55%
Stock Perigale Stock 6% Helmet Voruna Neuroptics Blueprint 4.55%
Blade Sarofang Blade 6% Systems Voruna Systems Blueprint 4.55%
GenericWeaponHilt Sarofang Handle 6%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x400 38.72% Barrel Perigale Barrel 10.16% Blueprint2 Voruna Blueprint 12.24%
SomaticFibers Somatic Fibers 38.72% Receiver Perigale Receiver 10.16% ArcaneBlessing Arcane Blessing 10.2%
Blueprint2 Perigale Blueprint 11.28% Stock Perigale Stock 10.16% PrimaryFrostbite Primary Frostbite 10.2%
Blueprint2 Sarofang Blueprint 11.28% Blade Sarofang Blade 10.16% Chassis Voruna Chassis Blueprint 8.16%
GenericWeaponHilt Sarofang Handle 10.16% Helmet Voruna Neuroptics Blueprint 8.16%
ArcaneRise Arcane Rise 7.94% Systems Voruna Systems Blueprint 8.16%
ConjunctionVoltage Conjunction Voltage 7.94% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 6.12%
NeoRelicIntact Neo A11 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 6.12%
NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi B7 6.12%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K6 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi D5 6.12%
NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 6.12%
NeoRelicIntact Neo S18 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 6.12%
NeoRelicIntact Neo W1 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi P6 6.12%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z10 4.76%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Void Survival

Survival in the Orokin Void consists of the standard Void tileset, with treasure rooms blocked off or non existent. Void survival can be difficult with the variation of enemies, combining the hardest aspects of regular survival missions into one mission.


Initially the players will face a mix of standard Grineer and Corpus Corrupted units that scale in level the same way units from standard survival missions would. As players remain in play longer more difficult units will begin to spawn. Normal units will be bolstered by Corrupted Fusion MOAs, Corrupted Ancient Healers, then Corrupted Heavy Gunners, then finally, Corrupted Bombards, and Corrupted Nullifiers.

The usual set of booby traps and environmental hazards found in Void tile sets may also be present.

Derelict Survival

Survival in the Orokin Derelict consists of the standard Derelict. Treasure rooms are blocked off or non-existent, but Vaults exist and can be unlocked normally. It is advised to open the vault after surviving for the time you want, as claiming the artifact inside will inflict a negative debuff on you, possibly making surviving harder.

You will only face Infested enemies unless you retrieve the artifact from the Orokin Vault, which will cause the Corrupted to replace the enemy units in the level, including Drones.

As of Update 11.5 (2013-12-19), the Orokin Derelict Survivals have their own unique drop table.

Dark Sector Survival

Survival missions that take place in Dark Sectors can only be reached by Solar Rails and always involve the Infested. These Survival missions have a higher level range (and thus, higher difficulty) than the planet they're found on, but give out larger quantities of experience, including the experience bonuses inherent in Dark Sectors. There are currently 8 Dark Sector Survival Missions, one each for every planet except Mercury, Earth, Venus, and Phobos. Template:DisplayMissiontype


  • It is helpful to bring a Sentinel as Vacuum can be used to quickly gather Life Support Modules. However, the Sentinel may also pick up life support modules too early, especially early on in the mission or if players get a lot of kills at close range.
  • If you manage to start activating the capsule when your Life Support is at 0% but before you hear the oxygen getting drained, you will be granted 2% oxygen, giving you enough time to consume the capsule.
  • Lotus will tell you the location of the next air drop in advance by placing a marker on your map without there actually being a capsule there to pick up. If you are getting close to 0% life support you should make your way to the drop point so you can activate the capsule as soon as it arrives.
  • Activating a Life Support Capsule will take your Warframe a few seconds. Have teammates cover you or prepare yourself to prevent death while activating a capsule.
    • After Update 10.3 (2013-10-09), once a life capsule has been activated, the second capsule in the same location will have shorter activation time. Further capsules does not continue to shorten the activation time.
  • When activating the alarm, travel to the first marker and stay in that general location as a group. Life support will drop in other places in the map, so team coordination is critical to either move as a team to each, or have someone sprint to them, preferably someone with Loki or Ash, or by the use of Shade so they can pass by the hordes of enemies.
  • You must last at least 5 minutes, and at least half the living squad must make it to extraction.
  • When the life support reaches 0%, the timer will stop, and there will be no life support left in the map. It will drain your shields and then your health, but will always leave you with 5HP. Which gives you a chance to reach extraction, but any damage done to you will be a lethal blow.
  • Since a life support capsule restores 30% life support, they should be activated when life support levels are at 40% or below. This will leave room for life support pickups and also for player mistakes such as activating 2 life supports at the same time.(40+30+30=100%)
    • Sometimes many life support modules drop right after someone activates a life support capsule. This method helps reduce wasting life support.
  • Enemies spawn at points where players can't see, and in rooms next to where players are. Larger tiles will have more spawning points than smaller tiles. Do not separate yourself from your team because it will disable the nearest spawning points and cause the enemies to spawn in spread out locations.
  • Keeping close to your team will not only help the spawn rates, it will give you the Team Affinity Bonus.
  • Standing on something (boxes, beams or anything not on ground level) will slow down enemies from getting to you and your team. When on something that isn't the actual ground, enemies won't be able to detect where you are and will stand in place, therefor, slowing down the process.


  • Survival officially replaced Raid in Update 10.0 (2013-09-13). All Raid Void Keys were converted to Survival Void Keys, and T3 Survival keys were introduced.
  • This gametype was introduced early via the Survival Weekend Event.
  • Each Life Support Capsule tend to be placed in each section of a map roughly around every 2 minutes and 30 seconds (150 seconds) before another capsule is dropped off by the Lotus. This is after the 5 minute start of the Survival.
    • This delay will slowly increase overtime, and there is a cap on extra support capsules 'in queue'.
    • If there are three separate rooms that can accommodate Life Support Capsules, the first room will no longer be dropped off, instead the latter two rooms are provided in a cycle.
  • If a Rhino has Iron Skin active, it will not protect the player from losing shields or health while oxygen is at 0%. It will continue to protect against enemy combat damage as normal. As soon as health reaches 5, Iron Skin will vanish and leave the player vulnerable. Reapplying it will make it vanish instantly.
  • This mission type is essentially Raid viewed from a different perspective. Players must distract enemies while an unseen and unnamed Tenno secures Raid-like objectives elsewhere on the map. The mission rewards similar to the old Raid mission rewards, and will also appear at the beginning of the squad's reward display.
  • The time it takes to activate life support is around 3 seconds, which is long enough for pursuing enemies to kill you if you are not careful.
  • The maximum amount of capsules that can be on the map is capped at 8. The Lotus will not deliver another one until one has been opened, at which the drop timer starts.
  • Life Support decreases at 1% every 1.5 seconds. That means 100% is enough for 2 minutes and 30 seconds of Life Support.
    • Prior to Update 10.3 (2013-10-09), Lotus would warn you at 20% that you have 60 seconds of life support remaining, when you actually had 30 seconds. She also warned that you had 30 seconds remaining at 10%, which was actually 15 seconds.
    • At Update 10.6 (2013-10-30), Lotus will only warn players at 20% of life support, referring to 30 seconds. The warning at 40% was removed. If extraction is ready, Lotus will also suggest extraction.
    • Despite claims that sprinting hastens the rate that Life Support decreases, DE has confirmed that there is no correlation.
  • Update 10.3 (2013-10-09) changed several mechanics regarding level generation and reward tables;
    • The level was completely unlocked before activating the alarm, allowing players to sprint through the entire map to collect materials without running into enemies. This has since been fixed and the starting area's doors will all be locked until activated by the alarm.
    • Survival rewards were dependent on faction type and the time spent. The update changed it so rewards are now dependent on enemy level and the time spent. It also changed rewards so they stacked; players now take all rewards earned up to the point they leave, instead of the last reward.
  • Before Update 10.3 (2013-10-09), you could fail the alarm cipher and it would still go off. Doing so will count towards failed ciphers in player stats.
  • Before Update 10.3 (2013-10-09), repeated life capsules would tend to take longer to activate, and kept increasing if the players wished to stay in that location for longer periods of time.
  • On Update 10.6 (2013-10-30) (Halloween), Life Support Capsules and Drops were changed into Jack-o'-Lanterns.
  • Alert Survival missions will provide the usual 5-minute reward, but will only allow players to extract after the 10 minute mark, even if the extraction site has already been revealed.
  • The Excavation mission type is slated to replace Survival missions taking place on planetside tiles, which include the Grineer Forest, Grineer Settlement, Grineer Shipyard, Corpus Outpost, and Corpus Ice Planet tiles.
  • The "objective has been reached" flag is set at the 3:30 mark preventing new players from joining the session too close to the 5 minute reward mark.


  • Sometimes enemies will not spawn, it can be fixed by reactivating the alarm (time will start from 0). 
  • If a player has reactivated the alarm after running out of oxygen, the player will still have 5 Health and 0 Shields, but new oxygen pickups can appear and the Lotus will continue to spawn Life Support capsules, even though they cannot be picked up or used.
  • If a host migration is made and a player died and self-revived, there is a chance that the player will lose everything from before the migration took place.
  • When there is more than 1 capsule in queue, with another ready to be placed in the queue, activating the capsule in a room which can occupy 2 capsules, a capsule will be delivered nearby in the same room 'instantly' without Lotus notifying you.
  • Occasionally, when the level begins, the locked door will be open. This door can be passed through and the room beyond accessed, but the door may subsequently shut and cannot be reopened unless the alarm is triggered. This can be particularly dangerous during solo missions, as the player has no way to activate the alarm.

