
Transistor Shield is a Warframe Augment Mod for Volt's Electric Shield that allows allies to pick up and move Electric Shields. Additionally, a percentage of enemy damage absorbed by the Electric Shield(s) will add up to Volt's Static Discharge passive.


Rank Damage Absorbed Cost
0 25% 6
1 50% 7
2 75% 8
3 100% 9


  • This mod can be acquired by attaining the rank of Maxim under the Arbiters of Hexis, or the rank of Exalted under the Red Veil, and spending ReputationLarge 25,000 to purchase.


  • Damage absorbed is directly affected by Ability Strength.
    • Any damage absorbed by will contribute to the casting Volt's Static Discharge Passive, but it cannot exceed the 1000 damage cap on the Passive itself.
  • Allies can press the Use key to pick up Electric Shields deployed by Volt; allies will use their own energy pool to maintain the shield around themselves, and the shield will use the default energy drain of Electric Shield (1 energy for every 4 meters traveled).
    • Currently, the energy drain does not take into account any Ability Efficiency-altering mods installed either on the ally who picks up the shield or the Volt who cast it. It is currently unknown if this behavior is intentional.


Maximization is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link in the collapsible menu to learn how to build it.

View Maximization List
duration to 76.5 seconds.

    • Has no negative effects on this ability.
cost to 12.5 energy and increases meters per energy to 16.

    • Reduces duration to 10 seconds.

absorbed damage to 412%.
absorbed damage to 337%.
    • Increases cost to 77.5 energy and reduces meters per energy to 2.58.

    • Reduces duration to 18.13 seconds.

NOTE: Italic refers to the base ability of this augment

Patch History

Update 20.7 (2017-06-07)

  • Added to the game

See Also
