Enjoy Update 12 in style. This pack features the latest items, including the Zephyr Warframe and the deadly new weapons: Phage, Akstiletto, and Jat Kittag. Rapidly level your new gear with the included 3-Day Experience and Credit Booster.
—In-Game Description

The Update 12 Mega Bundle can be purchased for Platinum64 700 from the Market. This bundle includes the following items, with individual prices listed below:


  • Zephyr and included weapons will each come preinstalled with their own inventory slots and Orokin Reactor or Orokin Catalyst.
  • Despite the fact the Akstiletto, Phage, and Jat Kittag having their own mastery requirements, the bundle itself does not, meaning a player of any mastery rank can purchase the bundle and bypass those restrictions.
  • The total cost of purchasing these items individually would normally be Platinum64 880. Purchasing the bundle would remove Platinum64 180 from the total cost – an approximate savings of 20%.

Patch History

AladVPortrait d
“Ah, have you come to make a donation to my newest 'enterprise'...?”
Patch history is needed. Click here for instructions.

See also
