Finalized: The cellular format have been updated with a few functions (a back to index button, rewards per round/5mins/5waves and some cosmetic changes). The rewards shown here are also updated for testing. We will begin replacing the current drop tables in Orokin Void/Rewards with this new version shortly. 00:15, September 29, 2014 (UTC)

When DE decided to publish the official drop table for Void missions a few updates ago, they approached us to implement a "home" for the drop tables in the wiki. Given the high traffic here and the well used comment section we believe the Orokin Void page will serve as an official hub for the drop tables, this however had proven wrong quite quickly. We didn't get to update them in a timely manner; we made the page a mile long; we couldn't decide between using tabs or collapse/expand; 50% of the comment section turned out to be rants about how inaccurate these tables are; we couldn't find a best way to implement the tables for PS4; the list goes on and on.

This has to be fixed sooner or later. Looking at how quickly the forum updates and how they can actually be validated by DE staffs, it's pretty obvious we can't create something that is "official" here. While we can't update the tables quickly, using mediawiki and html codes we need to create something that is better than the one in the forums, that is: looks good, works well, and easy to update.

Void drop tables had gone through a few iterations, but we can never seem to find a compromise among the whole community. Some readers seek practicality while some prefer better looking tables. This blog aims to find a middle ground between both, to find a finalized format that will last for a long time.

So far I have two potential solutions in mind:

Inline-block cellular table[]

The main feature of this format is that each item cells will move itself according to what resolution your screen is using, minimizing the space wasted in traditional lists. On top of the table are 6 buttons that will teleport you to the desired section when pressed, and because all tables are still visible in one page, you can still use Ctrl-F to find the desired item. (Though I don't know why you want to do that since we have those drop locations all listed in the individual weapons pages) Updating will be easier than ever since each entry only requires two inputs: weapon name|part name.

Since I like pros and cons, here are some dam pros and cons:


  • Unsorted


  • Swag
  • Straight forward to update: Every entry requires only two inputs.
  • Space efficient
  • Optimized for dynamic width (Fluid layout): Wide screen users will not see excessive unused space


Capture Void missions have a chance to yield one of the following Prime components.

Tower I Credits64 9,000-15,000
Forma2 DEVoid Key FusionCorePackSilversingle
Tower II Credits64 17,770-27,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle

BoarPrime Boar Prime Receiver HikouPrime Hikou Prime Pouch LexPrime Lex Prime Receiver

Latron Prime 32px Latron Prime Stock Orthos Prime Blueprint 32px Orthos Prime Blade Orthos Prime Blueprint 32px Orthos Prime Handle Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime String EmberPrime Ember Prime Chassis Blueprint LokiPrime Loki Prime Blueprint

Tower III Credits64 25,000-40,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle
Tower IV Credits64 >40,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle

AkbroncoPrime Akbronco Prime Link Bronco Prime Blueprint 32px Bronco Prime Barrel Bronco Prime Blueprint 32px Bronco Prime Receiver PrimeBurston32px Burston Prime Barrel LexPrime Lex Prime Barrel FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Blueprint

AkbroncoPrime Akbronco Prime Link Bronco Prime Blueprint 32px Bronco Prime Receiver FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Blueprint NyxPrime Nyx Prime Systems Blueprint


Defense Void mission will have a chance to yield one of the following in each 5 waves.

Tower I Credits64 9,000-15,000 Tower II Credits64 17,770-27,000
Wave 5   
Wave 5-10   
Wave 15+   

NyxPrime Nyx Prime Helmet Blueprint AnkyrosPrime Ankyros Prime Blueprint Fang Prime Blueprint 32px Fang Prime Blueprint DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Systems Blueprint

Wave 5   

WyrmPrime Wyrm Prime Carapace Orthos Prime Blueprint 32px Orthos Prime Blade

Wave 5-10   

PrimeBurston32px Burston Prime Stock Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime Blueprint

Wave 15+   

Braton Prime 32px Braton Prime Stock Fang Prime Blueprint 32px Fang Prime Handle GlaivePrime Glaive Prime Disc Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime Upper Limb Fang Prime Blueprint 32px Fang Prime Blueprint

Tower III Credits64 25,000-40,000 Tower IV Credits64 >40,000
Wave 5   

AnkyrosPrime Ankyros Prime Blueprint

Wave 5-10   

LexPrime Lex Prime Blueprint Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime String PrimeBurston32px Burston Prime Blueprint

Wave 15+   

AnkyrosPrime Ankyros Prime Blade Braton Prime 32px Braton Prime Barrel Braton Prime 32px Braton Prime Receiver Braton Prime 32px Braton Prime Stock MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Blueprint

Wave 5   

LexPrime Lex Prime Blueprint Orthos Prime Blueprint 32px Orthos Prime Handle SwordPrime32px Dakra Prime Blueprint

Wave 5-10   

Braton Prime 32px Braton Prime Barrel Braton Prime 32px Braton Prime Receiver

Wave 15+   

AnkyrosPrime Ankyros Prime Guantlet BoltorPrime Boltor Prime Receiver PrimeBurston32px Burston Prime Receiver EmberPrime Ember Prime Blueprint LokiPrime Loki Prime Systems Blueprint NyxPrime Nyx Prime Blueprint


Exterminate Void missions have a chance to yield one of the following Prime components.

Tower I Credits64 9,000-15,000
Forma2 DEVoid Key FusionCorePackSilversingle
Tower II Credits64 17,770-27,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle

BoltorPrime Boltor Prime Stock WyrmPrime Wyrm Prime Cerebrum ScindoPrime Scindo Prime Blueprint

SwordPrime32px Dakra Prime Handle EmberPrime Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Chassis Blueprint Orthos Prime Blueprint 32px Orthos Prime Blueprint DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Systems Blueprint WyrmPrime Wyrm Prime Blueprint

Tower III Credits64 25,000-40,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle
Tower IV Credits64 >40,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle

BoltorPrime Boltor Prime Barrel DESicarus Prime32px Sicarus Prime Barrel FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Systems Blueprint MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Blueprint MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Chassis Blueprint NyxPrime Nyx Prime Chassis Blueprint DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Blueprint

BoPrime Bo Prime Handle BoltorPrime Boltor Prime Barrel DESicarus Prime32px Sicarus Prime Barrel GlaivePrime Glaive Prime Blueprint DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Blueprint


Interception Void mission will have a chance to yield one of the following in each round.

Tower IV Credits64 >40,000
Round 1   

SwordPrime32px Dakra Prime Blade AkbroncoPrime Akbronco Prime Blueprint GlaivePrime Glaive Prime Blade

Round 2   

BoarPrime Boar Prime Receiver MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Systems Blueprint

Round 3   

SwordPrime32px Dakra Prime Handle Fang Prime Blueprint 32px Fang Prime Handle LexPrime Lex Prime Receiver Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime Grip DESicarus Prime32px Sicarus Prime Receiver WyrmPrime Wyrm Prime Systems

Mobile Defense[]

Mobile Defense Void missions have a chance to yield one of the following Prime components.

Tower I Credits64 9,000-15,000
Forma2 DEVoid Key FusionCorePackSilversingle
Tower II Credits64 17,770-27,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle

BoltorPrime Boltor Prime Stock BoarPrime Boar Prime Blueprint DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Helmet Blueprint

Reaper Prime 32px Reaper Prime Handle BoPrime Bo Prime Blueprint Braton Prime 32px Braton Prime Blueprint Bronco Prime Blueprint 32px Bronco Prime Blueprint NyxPrime Nyx Prime Helmet Blueprint DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Helmet Blueprint

Tower III Credits64 25,000-40,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle
Tower IV Credits64 >40,000
Forma2 FusionCorePackSilversingle

BoarPrime Boar Prime Barrel ScindoPrime Scindo Prime Blade BoarPrime Boar Prime Blueprint BoltorPrime Boltor Prime Blueprint EmberPrime Ember Prime Systems Blueprint Reaper Prime 32px Reaper Prime Blueprint

BoarPrime Boar Prime Barrel Reaper Prime 32px Reaper Prime Blade BoltorPrime Boltor Prime Blueprint EmberPrime Ember Prime Systems Blueprint


Survival Void mission will have a chance to yield one of the following in each 5 waves.

Tower I Credits64 9,000-15,000 Tower II Credits64 17,770-27,000
Rotation A   5, 10 minutes; 25, 30 minutes; etc.
FusionCorePackSilversingle OrokinCell64 DEVoid Key

BoPrime Bo Prime Ornament Latron Prime 32px Latron Prime Blueprint

Rotation C   20 minutes; 40 minutes; etc.
FusionCorePackSilversingle DEVoid Key

PrimeBurston32px Burston Prime Stock Latron Prime 32px Latron Prime Barrel Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime Lower Limb Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime Upper Limb ScindoPrime Scindo Prime Handle LokiPrime Loki Prime Chassis Blueprint

Rotation A   5, 10 minutes; 25, 30 minutes; etc.
FusionCorePackSilversingle OrokinCell64

AkbroncoPrime Akbronco Prime Blueprint Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime Lower Limb

Rotation B   15 minutes; 35 minutes; etc.
FusionCorePackSilversingle OrokinCell64

Latron Prime 32px Latron Prime Barrel Fang Prime Blueprint 32px Fang Prime Blade HikouPrime Hikou Prime Blueprint

Rotation C   20 minutes; 40 minutes; etc.

AnkyrosPrime Ankyros Prime Gauntlet PrimeBurston32px Burston Prime Receiver MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Chassis Blueprint MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Helmet Blueprint Paris Prime Blueprint 32px Paris Prime Blueprint Reaper Prime 32px Reaper Prime Blueprint

Tower III Credits64 25,000-40,000 Tower IV Credits64 >40,000
Rotation A   5, 10 minutes; 25, 30 minutes; etc.
FusionCorePackSilversingle OrokinCell64

Latron Prime 32px Latron Prime Receiver Fang Prime Blueprint 32px Fang Prime Blade EmberPrime Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint

Rotation B   15 minutes; 35 minutes; etc.
FusionCorePackSilversingle OrokinCell64

SwordPrime32px Dakra Prime Blade LexPrime Lex Prime Barrel Reaper Prime 32px Reaper Prime Handle

Rotation C   20 minutes; 40 minutes; etc.

GlaivePrime Glaive Prime Blade DESicarus Prime32px Sicarus Prime Receiver FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Helmet Blueprint MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Systems Blueprint DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Chassis Blueprint DESicarus Prime32px Sicarus Prime Blueprint

Rotation A   5, 10 minutes; 25, 30 minutes; etc.
FusionCorePackSilversingle OrokinCell64

BoarPrime Boar Prime Stock BoPrime Bo Prime Ornament

Rotation B   15 minutes; 35 minutes; etc.
FusionCorePackSilversingle OrokinCell64

FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Helmet Blueprint DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Chassis Blueprint

Rotation C   20 minutes; 40 minutes; etc.

GlaivePrime Glaive Prime Disc Braton Prime 32px Braton Prime Blueprint EmberPrime Ember Prime Chassis Blueprint FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Systems Blueprint LokiPrime Loki Prime Helmet Blueprint MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Helmet Blueprint

Sortable table[]

Majority preferred the other option 00:06, September 29, 2014 (UTC)

With the amount of pros here you can tell I'm siding more towards the cellular table above, and there's a good reason for that. While this list format is sortable, each entry require 5 inputs, and because each row only contains one item it is very space inefficient. Wide screen users will see a lot of white space horizontally while the list keep expanding vertically. However, with this format we can use a sortable feature which allows readers to find items by whatever parameters they so desired.


  • Sortable


  • Relatively more tedious to update: Every entry requires 5 inputs.
  • Space inefficient: Not optimized for dynamic width, excessive unused space for wide screen users. List expands vertically.
Tower Mission Prime Misc.
1 Capture Primebarrel Braton Prime Barrel Forma2Forma2Forma2
2 Capture Primebarrel Braton Prime Barrel Forma2Forma2Forma2
3 Capture Primebarrel Braton Prime Barrel Forma2Forma2Forma2
3 Defense Wave 5 Primebarrel Burston Prime Barrel Forma2Forma2Forma2
2 Defense Wave 5 Primebarrel Lex Prime Barrel Forma2Forma2Forma2
1 Defense Wave 5 PrimeChassis Nyx Prime Chassis Forma2Forma2Forma2
4 Interception Rotation A Primebarrel Boltor Prime Barrel Forma2Forma2Forma2
4 Interception Rotation B PrimeChassis Ember Prime Chassis Forma2Forma2Forma2
4 Interception Rotation C PrimeHelmet Frost Prime Helmet Forma2Forma2Forma2


There will be no voting to do here, as these are just concepts that are still subjected to change, though if there are little demands for sortable tables we will naturally side towards building on the Cellular one. So please leave a feedback below, tell us which one you prefer, what type of format would you consider as perfect, your ideas and what other attributes do you want to see in drop tables. Please keep in mind the two conditions:

  • Readers must be able to find items easily with Ctrl-F.
  • All tables must be displayed in one page.

