
Acrid Tick research completed by Rmosley753 and documented by Mad5cout.

Reminder of the newly corrected damage calculation process:

Base Damage CalculationEdit[]

  1. Base Weapon Damage * (1 + Damage Mods) = Modded Base Damage round down
  2. Modded Base Damage * Body Part MP = Part Damage  round to the nearest
  3. Part Damage * (1 + Faction Mod) = Faction Damage round down
  4. Faction Damage * Damage Type MP = Faction Type Damage round down
  5. Faction Type Damage * Armor Mitigation (see Armor page for formula) = Final Base Damage round down

Elemental Mod Damage CalculationEdit[]

  1. Base Weapon Damage * (1 + Damage Mods) = Modded Base Damage round down
  2. Modded Base Damage * Elemental Mods = Elemental Damage round to nearest
  3. Elemental Damage * Body Part MP = Elemental Damage to Part round to the nearest
  4. Elemental  Part Damage  * (1 + Faction Mod) = Faction Elemental Damage round down
  5. Faction Elemental Damage * Damage Type MP = Faction Elemental-Type Damage round down
  6. Faction Elemental-Type Damage * Armor Mitigation (see Armor page for formula) = Final Elemental Damage round down

You can see the research on that here:  User_blog:Mad5cout/Warframe_Damage_Calculation_Research


Bold indicates actual in-game returns.  Italics indicate failed results.

Round 1[]

180%Dam, 30%Faction, 90%Freeze base mod Pass/Fail?
Infested Runner 67 61 ACTUAL
ROUNDDOWN(Final Damage * .75, 0) 68 60 Fail
ROUND(Final Damage * .75, 0) 68 61 Fail
with faction mod 68 61 Fail
ROUND(ROUNDOWN(Base*Mod*.75, 0)*ElemMod, 0) 67 61 PASS
ROUND(ROUNDDOWN(ROUNDDOWN(ModdedBase, 0)*.75, 0)*elem,0) 67 61 PASS
With Base and with elemental respsectively 67 61 PASS
After Base and Elemental Respectively and rounded down 67 61 PASS

Round 2[]

40%Dam, 0%Faction, 90%Freeze base mod Pass/Fail?
Infested Runner 26 23 ACTUAL
ROUND(ROUNDOWN(Base*Mod*.75, 0)*ElemMod, 0) 26 23 PASS
ROUND(ROUNDDOWN(ROUNDDOWN(ModdedBase, 0)*.75, 0)*elem,0) 26 23 PASS
With Base and with elemental respsectively 26 24


After Base and Elemental Respectively and rounded down 26 24 Fail

There is no combination of the Acrid's 25 base damage and the Hornet Strike's possible values that will differentiate the remaining 2 equations.  Therefore, for simplicty's sake, the current equation (assuming outside multipliers are the same as the final damage equation) for Acrid Tick Damage in Excel's syntax is:

=...ROUND((ROUNDDOWN((BaseDmg * DmgMP * 0.75),0) * EleMP), 0)...

In plain terms, Acrids .75 multiplier is applied at the same time as base damage mods and then rounded down as in the base damage calculation.  Then the damage calculation proceeds as normal for base damage and each mod.

Essentially this changes step 1 of the calculations to:

1.  Base Weapon Damage * (1 + Damage Mods * .75) = Acrid Tick Base Damage round down

Everything else proceeds as normal except only the Corpus MOA Fanny Pack Body Part MP is applied - the Fanny Pack MP is applied to the ticks regardless of where you shoot the MOA.  EDIT:  Armor mitigation and TypeMPS are applied as normal.  Crits also do not affect Acrid tick values.
