

Greetings! This is my second blog made since my electric chroma one. I'd like to share a build with you that not only brings me hours of fun, but is generally a half-hidden build, since excal is a pure starter frame, so nobody expects it to be endgame viable to this point.

Let me prove you wrong.

Written in patch: 21.7.1[]


Ok, this is a different beast to crack, but you'll understand.

  1. Corrosive projection aura
  2. handspring exilus
  3. vitality
  4. redirecton
  5. primed flow
  6. primed continuity
  7. intensify
  8. fleeting expertise (5/6, we only need 50%)
  9. streamline (5/6, we are at cap)
  10. chromatic blade


  • Arcane strike
  • Arcane grace

To be fair, both arcanes are quality of life additions.


Electric Chromatic Bladeninkondi with viral/radiation/berserker/condition overload, Naramon.

I think you see the trick here.

Not only exalted blade (lightsaber/jedi mode) gives you permanent invisibility, minimum 3 status for overload, plus the stance slash and impact. You can blind for more bursty damage, corrosive projection for armor viral against hp, shock makes the radiation procced enemies stationary decoys while you hack away.


Even though excalibur himself is considered a "starter" frame, if built right, he can become one of the most devastating melee frames in the game, without having to always be in the face of enemies, like valkyr with her short range.

Quality of life addition: with the recent PBR treatment, proto excalibur looks like the lightsaber is directly growing out of the "infested hayden tenno-arm".
