
Sfrostixx Sfrostixx 8 May 2015

What is there beyond the farming?

I seem to be in a cycle when it comes to warframe, I start playing for a bit and find it alot of fun but after a couple of days I get bored again and go away for a few months, come back and play for a couple days and find it fun then go away again repeating the cycle and it got me thingking why is this and I came to the conclusion that it's because i feel warframe is a game where you play to farm so you can do more farming. I think that is a farily accurate description of the game since you do missions on the star map to unlock the bosses, level up weapons and farm resources, then you fight bosses so you can farm for new warframe parts, then you build your new frame and go level them up so you can go into the void or to higher level missio…

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Sfrostixx Sfrostixx 27 April 2015

If you don't have volt you're playing it wrong

  • All of this information is based off of update 16.4.3.

People have mentioned the grammer in the title, thank you for the heads up unfortunately I do not know how to edit the title only the text so know it is meant to be "you're". Beyond that the title is only meant to be an attention grabber not an insult or a question of your character.

Will just get straight to the point, volt's shield drastically boosts the damage of beam weapons like the amprex, the quanta or the gammacor to the point where it eclipses everything else that is in the game atm. For example, an unmodded quanta vandal can hit 20k and 50k with a crit. Add the base damage mods and the elemental mods and the damage climbs past 160k with crits, possibly more the numbers were fly…

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