

Following my duos post, I decided to see how endgame characters work together in theory and practice. Have a suggestion or issue? Let me know in the comments! I'll attempt to  update as I go.

Survival Teams - These teams need at least one damage dealer, preferably a psuedo-invincible Warframe, and 1 - 2 supports (Nekros is almost mandatory)

Core Tryhard Trio: (Infested)

This team holes up in one "kill room" and kills spawns almost instantly.

  • Trinity is almost invincible, and provides energy to the rest of the team reliably. This should be a standard Trinity.
  • Vauban halts enemies from coming within melee range by blocking off a room with two or fewer entrances with a vortex at each. Go for max duration primarily.
  • Nekros is the LS spawn due to desecrate mechanics. Power range and efficiency are your focus.
  • Any damage frame can go here, preferably one that scales well such as Mirage, or Nova. (Though Saryn may not be suggested due to possible inability to desecrate the bodies. This is unconfirmed by me personally because my teams didn't want to chance it.)

Limbo Strat:

Wait for them to run to their death, Mesa will position herself in an open area while banished and unload. The team stays in said room preferably.

  • Mesa is the core damage for this, and how you deal most of your pre 50 minute damage. Power strength and efficiency are your focus. You can actually replace Mesa with a Mirage, or aNova for good scaling damage.
  • Limbo is the backup life support runner if need be, and invincibility for himself, Mesa, and Nekros. Power Duration is your focus (72 second riftwalk), with the standard frame mods (Intensify, Streamline, etc.)
  • Nekros is the LS spawn due to desecrate mechanics. Power range and efficiency are your focus.
  • Valkyr is the LS pickup due to hysteria mechanics, and ability to go invincible without being in the rift. You should use a standard hysteria build.

Defense Teams - These teams require at least one CC-oriented defensive frame, and high damage weapons

Disarmed: (not infested)

Using a Loki and a Defensive frame, this team doesn't have to face nearly as many bullets.

  • Loki is a required member due to the amount of damage on wave 65 being able to one-shot various frames. You want max range for this.
  • A Slow Nova is highly advised due to the damage buff, and the ability to keep enemies slowed with power strength. You want positive power strength, and as much range as possible.
  • You need a "just in case" defensive frame, usually a Frost due to his ability to shield the core. Vauban or Limbo are your best substitutes here.
  • The last slot can be any support or high damage frame to include: Trinity for energy regen, Nyx for Chaos etc., Nekros for drops, or Vauban for vortex.  Mesa, Valkyr, or Mirage for damage.

Frosty: (not infested)

Using Frost's globe and a slow Nova, you are the ultimate defense. Keep the team inside the globe (usually)

  • Frost is the core of the team. You will need power strength, range and duration. This means a strong shield with decent space inside it (not too large though, lest enemies enter and damage you easily) and you won't have to refresh too often. On occasion you can replace Frost with an amazing Limbo (some have suggested Zephyr, however I have not personally tested this.)
  • A Slow Nova is highly advised due to the damage buff, and the ability to keep enemies slowed with power strength. You want positive power strength, and as much range as possible.
  • Trinity is advised here for energy regen in case Frost ever runs out of energy. Use a standard build.
  • Nekros helps here, however you can usually sub Nekros with anything you feel would help the team (like Mirage for more damage.)

Vortex of Disease: (Infested)

Vauban is your core by keeping infested off of the cryopod. Due to their usual "melee range" attacks, a Frost is not advised.

  • Vauban keeps infested off of the cryopod and in an ODD he can bounce you up to a safe area. Aim for duration.
  • Trinity is advised here for energy regen in case Vauban ever runs out of energy. Use a standard build.
  • Nekros is usually in these groups for more drops and farm. Range is preferred.
  • Speed Nova (Negative Power strength) keeps enemies coming quickly and keeps a damage multiplier on enemies she primes.

Interception Teams - High mobility and damage are favored here.

Pick four:

  • Ash - Aim, and press "4." Power Strength and Efficiency help here.
  • Excalibur - Spam max range and duration "Radial Blind" or max power strength and range "Radial Javelin" with decent efficiency on either.
  • Loki - Disarm or almost perma-invisibility
  • Saryn - Spam "4" with range and power strength, or Molt with power strength and duration.
  • Nyx - Mind control, Chaos, and absorb are all viable here.
  • Mirage - her damage well with her abilities.
  • Banshee - Quake spam
  • Volt - Speed boost, and a great shield.
  • Mesa - in a semi-enclosed area, she snipes enemies as they appear.
  • Rhino, Limbo, or Valkyr - Survivability and the ability to reliably get from node to node without getting knocked down or stopped.

Let me know if I missed a team, or a possible substitute that works well with a specific team. Keep fighting, Tenno.
