
Originally we studied Void occurrences from afar, observing and cataloguing the distribution of galaxies and refining cosmological evolution models. We are in a new age of cosmic exploration. Advancements in space travel partnered with determined curiosity have brought us closer to our object of study, and with it, revelation.
—Void Fragment
For the damage type, see here.

The Void is a mysterious realm of extradimensional space, where the laws of physics hold little sway. It is the source of many mysterious phenomena, such as void storms, and the origin of the Tenno's powers.

As a Star Chart location, the Void is characterized by the presence of Orokin Towers, gleaming white and gold structures built by the Orokin for unknown purposes. These towers are of immense interest to the major factions of the Origin System, who desire the vast treasures and Orokin technology hidden within. It is the primary source of Argon Crystals.


Main article: Corrupted

These units have been taken over by the Neural Sentry to protect the Towers from outside forces. Note that the Void missions accessible from Sedna junction are considered to be "T4" difficulty. Enemies will deal +200% bonus damage compared to their actual levels.

All nodes Level 30+ Only Level 40+ Only

The Stalker and Syndicate Kill Squads may also appear to hunt down Tenno during Tower missions.


Unlike other planets whose entirety can be accessed from a single entry node, the Void is divided into four different set of nodes, each set separate from each other that must be accessed from four different planets (Phobos, Europa, Neptune, & Sedna). Note that once the Void is unlocked, completing missions on branches from a different planet will permanently unlock the mission. This can allow a player to access other planets without unlocking their junction. For example, completing Aten will grant access to the planet Sedna.



  • When the Void was first introduced back in Update 8.0 (2013-05-23), players could only access it through the use of Void Keys that they could acquire during missions. The Void as a whole was significantly changed during Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08), turning it into a separate system while Void Keys were changed to Relics.
  • The mission nodes are named after gods and deities of various Pantheons (e.g. Slavic, Mesopotamian, Aztec, etc.)